It’s time to stop having a hate-hate relationship with bookkeeping for your small business. 

Small Business Bookkeeping – But Make It Fabulous

free discovery call

Running a house and running a business? Replying to emails during nap time? Struggling to balance work and life priorities? 

OMG. Same.

As a homeschool mom and an entrepreneur, I get it! I understand the hustle and grind of an entrepreneur's day-to-day life all too well. We want to be the best we can be – in both worlds. 

But here’s the thing: You have enough on your plate. 

You’re running a business. You’re mastering your craft. You’re showing up and serving clients and customers. You’re carving out your unique space in your industry, bringing on team members, and crafting your legacy. 

You don’t need to learn One. More. Skill. (A skill it takes years to perfect, I might add.)
As your small business bookkeeper, my goal is simple:

I’m here to take one HUGELY frustrating thing off of your plate – so that you can be your best in all the ways you are your best. 


By the way…

Do you remember the days when you were able to keep up with your finances on your own? Now, the busier you get, the harder it is to stay on top of keeping receipts and invoices organized. You find yourself working nights and weekends to catch up. 

And that growing overwhelm you feel? It’s totally normal. In fact, overwhelm is the business owner’s time-honored indicator that it’s time to turn to the experts. 

With month-to-month support, you’ll be able to focus your attention where it matters, so that your business continues growing. Best of all, you’ll have set yourself up for future growth. 
With real insight into your business finances, you’ll easily be able to account for new goals like hiring more team members or renting more space. 

If you have a hate-hate relationship with bookkeeping for your small business, I have good news.

It might be because your business is growing! 


Handy Dandy Guide

How To Know It’s Time To Hire A Bookkeeper For Your Small Business:

  • You’re stuck in a vicious procrastination-overwhelm bookkeeping cycle.
  • You’re spending your evenings with receipts, instead of enjoying the flexibility of being a small business owner. 
  • Your business is growing and you’re realizing it’s too important to your family to put your books at risk of mismanagement.
  • You dread tax season because you feel like your accountant looks at you all judgy when you hand over your “mess of shame.” 
  • You’re simply ready to reach your financial goals with increased confidence.
  • You’d rather get stung by a bee than do another month of bookkeeping.

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Real Talk: You didn't become your own boss to spend nights and weekends, collecting and categorizing receipts.

So let’s stop that fiddle-faddle right now, shall we?

It's time to shift your energy back into doing what you’re amazing at doing for your business.

But with bookkeeping you can trust, you’ll be able to…

With over 16 years of experience in finance and accounting, I’m not new to the finance game. This is when I use my expertise to set your business up for success – no matter what surprises lay ahead. 

Stay ahead of any money curveballs.

As an added bonus for any business owner looking for help with tax filing and or payroll assistance, I can work directly with your tax professional and or payroll company on your behalf. Weight. Lifted. 

Stop engaging in stress-inducing money convos.

Unlike bookkeeping agencies, I take time to get to know you on a personal level. I firmly believe that it’s this personal attention that allows me to understand and manage every aspect of your finances most effectively. 

Experience a uniquely fun approach to bookkeeping. 

Or webinars, training, pedicures, naps, you name it. More free time in your day-to-day means investing more time and energy into whatever matters most to you!

Take more midday naps (if that’s your jam!)

yes, please


Monthly Bookkeeping

Ongoing expert support – specifically for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners who’d rather invest their energy elsewhere 

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Clean up your books and keep them that way.

One-Time Clean-up

One-time deep dive and recovery – for business owners who are struggling to make sense of a mess. Perfect for those needing to file taxes, apply for loans, or simply get back on track.

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Get your head above water. 

New Business Set Up

One-time set-up and overview – for startups, new businesses, and fledgling business owners. Ideal if you’re planning to DIY your bookkeeping and you want to start off on the right foot. 

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Set yourself up for success – from the beginning.

The Smooth As Butter Process

we connect
I crunch the numbers
You kill it in business

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Are you ready to get your bookkeeping taken care of, stop worrying about money, and shift your energy back to where it matters most? If so, I have a free discovery call just for you. 

expert bookkeeping, delivered with a personal touch